Great Pyramid of Giza

The mere mention of the pyramid immediately conjures up a striking visual representation of these colossal structures, harmoniously blending with the surrounding desert sands and emphasizing their profound significance to Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza, located on a rocky plateau on the western bank of the Nile River in northern Egypt, is the largest […]

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Ancient Egyptian healing Centers

Traveling for medical treatment has been a long-standing motivation for travel since ancient times. One of the destinations that attracted such travelers were the healing centers located in Egyptian temples. The skilled ancient Egyptian physicians gained a remarkable reputation among patients from other ancient civilizations. People from both Egypt and foreign lands would journey to […]

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“The Hanging Church”

“The Hanging Orthodox Church” It is known as the hanging church or suspended church. It is built on the eastern and westerntowers of the Roman Fortress (Babylon Fortress). The top of the Roman fortress was covered with palms.trees wood and layers of stone to be the ground of the church. European travelers called it a […]

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