Exceptional Tours Egypt blev etableret for at yde en enestående service til dem, der vælger at besøge Egypten på deres ferie. Fra det øjeblik du kontakter os, sørger vi for, at du har alle de oplysninger, du har brug for til at planlægge din rejse, herunder hotelreservationer, Nilkrydstogter og forskellige former for indenlandsk transport. Vores team har licens fra det egyptiske turistministerium og består af egyptologiske ekspertguider, som vil ledsage dig på alle kulturelle og historiske ture. Når du ankommer til Egypten, vil vores team byde dig velkommen og hjælpe dig i lufthavnen. Vigtigst af alt vil din ferie i Egypten være en privat og personlig oplevelse og service, så du kan give os værdifuld feedback på kvaliteten af vores service og din samlede oplevelse. Vores kerneprincipperÆrlighed Tillid og fælles mål er byggestenene i ethvert forhold. Når vi samarbejder med vores kunder, partnere og kolleger, forpligter vi os til at være ærlige, pålidelige og gennemsigtige.Entusiasme Vi er drevet af passion og formål, samtidig med at vi er praktiske for at kunne opfylde vores forpligtelser. Vi forstår, at der ikke findes en løsning, der passer til alle.Vi behandler hver kunde som et medlem af vores udvidede familie og prioriterer dine bekymringer, som om de var vores egne.Excellence Vores mål er at give de bedste rejseoplevelser og levere enestående værdi til vores kunder og partnere. Vi holder os selv ansvarlige og opmuntrer hinanden til hele tiden at forbedre vores arbejde.Bæredygtighed Vi tror fuldt og fast på, at en bæredygtig fremtid kun er mulig med en ren planet. Derfor tager vi aktivt hensyn til miljøet i vores beslutninger og handlinger.Social ansvarlighed Nu mere end nogensinde er det afgørende at give noget tilbage til samfundet. Vi håber, at vores indsats vil bidrage til at styrke mennesker økonomisk og uddannelsesmæssigt, inspirere til storhed og have en langsigtet positiv indvirkning på samfundet.
EXCELLENT Based on 14 reviews Racquel F2020-03-13Verified Amazing Experience I visited Egypt for my birthday. My husband and I toured for 5 days with Yasser. I was so impressed by his knowledge of his land and the experiences I had touring with him. My only disappointment is my trip should have been longer. I recommend this tour and Yasser to anyone going to Cairo. Jesus emmanuel2020-02-21Verified Trip to Egypt. February 2020 I had the wonderful opportunity to make a trip to Egypt in only 5 days. Egypt is a magical place. I visited Cairo, Giza, Luxor and Aswan. Yasser was my tour guide in Cairo. He did a wonderful job. I highly recommend him as he is very helpful and great at guiding. I hope to come back someday. Liz A2020-01-31Verified Fantastic experience I took a tour to the pyramids together with my 4 year-old boy. Yasser tailored my tour according to my needs and wishes. He made our day amazing and unforgettable. He is an excellent guide and very professional. I highly recommend him. Thanks again Yasser. Chinedu John2020-01-25Verified Dr. Chinedu John Ezeji-Okoye Yasser gives a fantastic tour. He is exeptionally knowledgeable and will explain things in a manner will burn a permanent memory in your mind...just difficult to pinpoint his accent as he is well travelled...but his english is near perfect. I without a doubt endorse this man and am confident you not regret your investment in this 'exceptional experience'...I am currently looking forward to his customized tour meeting my specific interests...wow, A1. Mayra G2020-01-21Verified EXCELENT SERVICE I took the tour to the pyramids with my husband and little daughter last January. Mr. Yasser treated us very kindly and made our visit very interesting! I had been to the pyramids before but he gave me a very nice and different experience. This time I saw the pyramids from a different perspective (physically) and saw a tomb I hadn't seen before. The way Mr. Yasser tells the historical information is not boring at all! On the contrary, he makes the information very interesting and easy to grasp. We spent a great day in the pyramids, and he made us feel like family. I would definitely take another tour with him if I have the chance to go back to Egypt. THANKS MR YASSER! Cairo2020-01-21Verified Travel around Kairez and the pyramids It was my best trip, I saw the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. I was sailing on the Nile. I was on the Cheops Pyramid. I was inside the Cheops Pyramid. It was very interestingly beautiful and romantic. In my opnion Mr Yasser Abdelghanni is the beter Egyptologist Tour Guide from Alexandria University, Egypt. He gave us many interesting news about Egypt and the ancient dynasties of the pharaohs. Lille frk Marie2020-01-17Verified Krydstogt, kongernes dal etc. På dansk 😊 På rundtur i Egypten i krydstogt, med vores guide Yasser Abdelghanni. Der findes ikke en uden lige som yasser, der virkelig kan kulturen, historien og de gode stunder om aftenen til kaffen. Han hjælper gerne når man har problemer, selv når man ikke er på tur. Vi vil stærkt anbefale, især hvis i vil høre om spændende Egypten og den gode atmosfære ☺️ Angry Bing2019-12-19Verified Knowledgable professor Yasser is more like a knowledgable prodessor during our cario pyramid trip. Kids learn a lot from him. He is also very patient and answer my question almost in a second. Highly recommand for family with kids. YaaYaaYeboah2019-12-15Verified Unforgettable I would like to thank Yasser for his expertise as he took me on a tour in various parts of Egypt. He was my guide to Alexandria and spoke extensively about the history of that city. He showed me various parts of Egypt I had been longing to see and helped me better understand the rich history. He was also my guide for Coptic Egypt as we went on an explorative tour of the various religions in Egypt. We ended off the tour by spending time in the Khan El Khalili bazaar, a bustling marketplace that is to be experienced. I would recommend Yasser to anyone. He’s personable, intelligent and very well learned in all aspects of Egyptian history. Bianca G2019-11-25Verified The most hospitable and informed guide I have ever worked with!!! Yassir was immensely accommodating!!! From sending me materials on sites I visited alone to accompanying me and showing me everything in places where he guided me. He catered to both my interests (going to quiet places to meditate) and to my budget. He made sure everything went according to what I wanted. I recommend him to anyone who is traveling to Egypt and is looking for a guide or someone local to help you plan. He organized people who he trusted to help me throughout the entirety of my trip so that I would be safe and happy with my travels. It truly would not have been the same without him. He sincerely treated me like family and I’m extremely grateful for all of his help going above and beyond for me this trip. Highly, highly recommended!
I mere end 25 år har Exceptional Tours Egypt været dedikeret til at levere enestående historiske ture i hele Egypten på dansk. Vores engagement i punktlighed, professionalisme og et højt kvalificeret team af guider og eksperter adskiller os fra andre. Vi sætter en stor ære i at fremvise den rigdom i vores kultur og historie. Vi håber inderligt, at du får en behagelig og mindeværdig rejse.